118: The Leadership Killer -- Beware of this Lethal Leadership Trap with Bill Treasurer

118: The Leadership Killer -- Beware of this Lethal Leadership Trap with Bill Treasurer

Hubris, according to author and leadership coach Bill Treasurer, is the single most lethal leadership killer. But how do we as leaders find a balance between building confidence in ourselves and staying humble? A ‘boomeranger’ on the podcast, Bill returns to the TalentGrow Show to share his advice on cultivating humility and deflating hubris as a leader. How can we create an atmosphere in the workplace where our team is comfortable sharing honest feedback with us? What are some hubristic behaviors we should watch out for? (Even Steve Jobs exhibited some of these!) Tune in to find out and get Bill’s advice for becoming a leader people want to follow. Listen and don’t forget to share this episode with others in your network!

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110: The Next Level -- Three Leadership Imperatives That Are Critical for Your Success with Scott Eblin

110: The Next Level -- Three Leadership Imperatives That Are Critical for Your Success with Scott Eblin

Too often, high-performers are promoted to a higher position in a company and then left to their own devices to navigate the transition. What do you need to know to succeed at the next level? In this episode of The TalentGrow Show, Halelly brings back her first-ever guest on the show, author and executive coach Scott Eblin, to share insights from the newly revised 3rd edition of his best-selling book, The Next Level: What Insiders Know About Executive Success. He believes that there are three leadership imperatives that are critical to success: manage yourself, leverage your team, and engage your colleagues. Listen to discover the meaning of these imperatives while also learning about leadership presence, the importance of being humble and vulnerable with your team, and why finding a ‘work-life balance’ isn’t necessarily the right goal to set your sights on! Ultimately, Scott outlines which behaviors and beliefs you need to let go of at the next level, and which ones you need to pick up. Listen and don’t forget to share this episode with others in your network!

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107: Leading and Communicating Effectively with Different Personality Types with Nicole Jansen

107: Leading and Communicating Effectively with Different Personality Types with Nicole Jansen

Different personality types have different needs, motivations, and strengths. As leaders, how can we understand and adapt to the many different personality types on our team in a way that fulfills their motivations and draws out their strengths? In this episode of The TalentGrow Show, speaker, coach and human behavior specialist Nicole Jansen shares her answer to this question and invites us to better understand others through the DISC Model of Human Behavior. Nicole explains the key attributes you should attune to in order to understand others’ personalities, how you can effectively adapt to different personalities without losing yourself in the process, and what methods or frameworks you can use to better understand and connect with individuals on your team. Listen, share with others in your network, and use what you learn to improve your communication and effectiveness as a leader!

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90: [Ask Halelly] How to handle senior manager who plays favorites with my team on the TalentGrow Show with Halelly Azulay

90: [Ask Halelly] How to handle senior manager who plays favorites with my team on the TalentGrow Show with Halelly Azulay

It’s time for another super short and highly informative Ask Halelly episode of the TalentGrow Show, where Halelly answers a question from a listener, a learner in one of her corporate workshops, a member of the audience at one of her conference speaking events, or a member of the media. This week’s question is: “What should I do if my senior manager is playing favorites with my team?” Halelly’s  Answer: Of course, it depends on the context such as your relationship with the senior manager. In general, you need to advocate to protect your authority to influence decisions about your team more directly. But of course, beware of your blind-spots and approach the situation tentatively, with curiosity instead of accusatory judgment. Halelly even shares a personal story about a time when this happened to her. Get the deets by listening to the full episode (it’s only approx. 6 minutes long!) and be sure to submit your own question that might be featured on a future episode of Ask Halelly on the TalentGrow Show!

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89: The Invisible leader – Cultivating the power of authentic purpose with Zach Mercurio

89: The Invisible leader – Cultivating the power of authentic purpose with Zach Mercurio

Organizations with a strong, shared sense of purpose outperform their peers by an average of 6:1. How can we as leaders tap into this important motivator to bring out the best in our team? In this thought-provoking episode of The TalentGrow Show with Halelly Azulay, author, keynote speaker and consultant Zach Mercurio discusses the power of authentic purpose and how leaders can cultivate it to transform their lives, work, and organizations. Zach shares ideas grounded in cutting-edge research about the staggering effect that a sense of purpose and meaning can have on your team’s performance and how you can help to create a culture of significance in your workplace. Learn common limiting beliefs that many leaders hold and how you can turn them around and build a purposeful narrative within your team or organization. Listen and share with other leaders in your network!

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77: How to cultivate 4 essential capabilities to catapult your leadership success with Ron Carucci on the TalentGrow Show podcast with Halelly Azulay

77: How to cultivate 4 essential capabilities to catapult your leadership success with Ron Carucci on the TalentGrow Show podcast with Halelly Azulay

Based on their ten-year longitudinal study on executive transition, Ron Carucci and his team discovered why more than 50% of leaders fail within their first 18 months of appointment. Ron shares the four differentiating capabilities that set successful leaders apart. On this information-packed episode of the TalentGrow Show, hear the theory and research behind the four capabilities along with actionable advice on how you can cultivate them to bolster your own leadership ability. Plus, learn the surprising truth about how most leaders react to newly-acquired power and why your humanity, your flaws, and your weaknesses are actually some of your greatest assets! Listen now and remember to share with others!

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76: Learn from #metoo: why your sexual harassment prevention training is failing and what to do instead with leadership educators Dr. Larry and Lawrence Hiner

76: Learn from #metoo: why your sexual harassment prevention training is failing and what to do instead with leadership educators Dr. Larry and Lawrence Hiner

Is the culture in your workplace conducive to sexual harassment? With the recent spotlight on sexual harassment in workplaces --well beyond Hollywood-- Halelly has invited leadership educators Dr. Larry Hiner and Lawrence Hiner to discuss why sexual harassment prevention training is failing and how to fix it. In this first two-guest episode of the TalentGrow Show, learn why sexual harassment prevention training can be improved, what every leader can learn from the #MeToo movement, and how to avoid creating or enabling a harassment culture in their own workplace and facilitate a culture of civility, respect, dignity, and trust instead. Listen now!

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73: How to become a better leader by using Polarity Thinking with Laura Mendelow

73: How to become a better leader by using Polarity Thinking with Laura Mendelow

As leaders we are sometimes stumped by seemingly opposing pulls and blind to the downsides of our actions and intentions. Leadership coach Laura Mendelow explains how the concept of Polarity Thinking along with a helpful Polarity Map can help us manage the conflicting goals we often feel tugging on us in opposite directions as leaders. Plus, polarity thinking gives us a positive and constructive way to boost our strengths and manage our weaknesses. On this fun and interesting episode of the TalentGrow Show, Laura shares some great examples and actionable advice for creating balance and increasing your effectiveness as a leader. Learn how to use polarity thinking to discover and overcome your greatest challenges, such as balancing the need to connect with your team and avoiding feeling burned out. Listen now and share with others who could benefit from this shift in thinking about leadership!

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