165: How Leaders can Beat Burnout by Leveraging the Whole SELF Lifestyle™ with Sarah Argenal

165: How Leaders can Beat Burnout by Leveraging the Whole SELF Lifestyle™ with Sarah Argenal

Burnout is one of the biggest enemies of productivity and success, and many experts today are calling it an epidemic. So what can we leaders do to help eradicate burnout in ourselves and our teams? Speaker, writer and facilitator Sarah Argenal, MA, CPC joins Halelly on this episode of The TalentGrow Show to share her philosophy and practical framework for beating burnout: The Whole SELF Lifestyle™. Using her own life experiences as examples, Sarah walks us through a four-step process aimed at helping us blend and improve all the seemingly separate areas of our lives and ultimately eradicate the underlying causes of burnout. You’ll also learn how, as leaders, we can utilize The Whole SELF Lifestyle™ to help our teams thrive. Tune in and be sure to share this episode with others!

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119: Humanity Works – Technology and Creativity in the Workplace of the Future with Alexandra Levit

119: Humanity Works – Technology and Creativity in the Workplace of the Future with Alexandra Levit

As technology and automation continue to evolve, so will the landscape of the workplace. Many skills, and even entire careers, will become obsolete as new ones emerge. What can we do to make ourselves valuable in the marketplace of the future? In this episode of The TalentGrow Show, Workplace Expert and Futurist Alexandra Levit returns to the show to share her insights on these critical issues. You’ll discover what important shifts and changes in the workplace Alexandra expects to see by the year 2030, what impact we can expect the evolution of technology and automation to have on today’s careers, and how we can best prepare ourselves for the inevitable change. Plus, find out what human attribute Alexandra thinks will become even more valuable as technology becomes an ever-more crucial part of the workplace. Listen and don’t forget to share with others!

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116: Practical Neuroscience Hacks for Increasing Creativity, Motivation, and Productivity with James Garrett

116: Practical Neuroscience Hacks for Increasing Creativity, Motivation, and Productivity with James Garrett

How can we motivate ourselves better? How can we get our brain to solve our problems for us? At what time of day do we have our best energy? In today’s exciting episode of the TalentGrow Show, neuroscience entrepreneur James Garrett answers all these questions and more so that people “can become who they imagine themselves to be at their very best”. You’ll learn about a framework for becoming more productive in each day, the cutting-edge “two modes of attention” finding that everyone in the neuroscience community is talking about, a simple tip for recharging your energy for the day, and much more. Don’t miss it!

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115: Seeking a Rational Path to Happiness with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Ellen Kenner

115: Seeking a Rational Path to Happiness with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Ellen Kenner

Dr. Ellen Kenner isn’t the first guest on The TalentGrow Show to argue that selfishness, properly understood, is essential to happiness and career success, but she offers her own unique insights into the subject from the perspective of psychology. Dr. Kenner is a licensed clinical psychologist and the host of a radio talk-show, The Rational Basis of Happiness, and she joins Halelly in this episode to share her advice to those seeking a path that will make them happy, or those seeking happiness in the path they’re already on. “Don’t put yourself in the shadows of your own life,” she warns, discussing with Halelly why selflessness is a recipe for disaster both in the workplace and in your personal life. Listen to hear Ellen’s advice for getting out of an unsatisfactory career, dealing with abusive bosses, carving out a life and career you love even if it leads you down an unconventional path, and more. Plus, discover what Ellen means by “rational happiness,” and how that concept can help you in all of your pursuits! Listen and don’t forget to share with others.

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113: [Ask Halelly] “Lost that Loving Feeling for your Job or Career?” on the TalentGrow Show with Halelly Azulay

113: [Ask Halelly] “Lost that Loving Feeling for your Job or Career?” on the TalentGrow Show with Halelly Azulay

You’ve been in the game for several years, maybe even a couple of decades. And now, the love is “gone, baby, gone”... You dread going to work in the morning, or you feel uninspired and unenthused. How can you maintain enthusiasm for and inspiration from your work? What if you’ve lost that lovin’ feeling for your career? Here’s another Ask Halelly episode of the TalentGrow Show, where Halelly Azulay answers a question from a listener, a learner in one of her corporate workshops, a member of the audience at one of her conference speaking events, or a member of the media. She’s gotten this question several times, so she shares three simple but deep ideas with you for how to keep the spark alive for your current job or career, or what to do instead if that’s not an option (or it’s not working). Take a listen, weigh in with your own opinion, and share with others!

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86: Growing Your Network Based on the Science of Human Behavior with David Burkus

86: Growing Your Network Based on the Science of Human Behavior with David Burkus

Think networking is all about handing out business cards and having small-talk with strangers at networking events? Best-selling author, keynote speaker, and professor of leadership and innovation David Burkus explains why that’s not what truly beneficial networking is and shares two commonly-overlooked secrets to growing a truly beneficial network that can transform your life and career: diversity and multiplexity. (They’re especially key for leaders.) In this exciting episode of The TalentGrow Show, David discusses with Halelly why all leaders and professionals can benefit from networking IF they do it right, and ways to overcome the dangerous yet pervasive phenomenon of “homophily” in your network. Discover how to grow or revive your network based on the cutting-edge science of networking. Listen now!

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80: How to make your likeability your most lucrative asset with Michael Katz

80: How to make your likeability your most lucrative asset with Michael Katz

We’ve all heard the now cliché phrase, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” But how many hours have we spent networking and trying to impress the right people with no tangible results? Marketing consultant and author Michael Katz firmly believes that likeability has more upside than capability, and in this episode of The TalentGrow Show, he shares deliberate, actionable advice on how to effectively build and leverage your relationships and your reputation to propel your career. Learn the simple steps you can take every day to stand out from the crowd, build your visibility, and turn your connections into fruitful relationships that help accelerate your career’s success momentum. Plus, find out why content-creation is such a powerful tool for creating visibility and how you can take advantage of today’s technologies to create effective content of your own! Listen and share with others in your network!

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73: How to become a better leader by using Polarity Thinking with Laura Mendelow

73: How to become a better leader by using Polarity Thinking with Laura Mendelow

As leaders we are sometimes stumped by seemingly opposing pulls and blind to the downsides of our actions and intentions. Leadership coach Laura Mendelow explains how the concept of Polarity Thinking along with a helpful Polarity Map can help us manage the conflicting goals we often feel tugging on us in opposite directions as leaders. Plus, polarity thinking gives us a positive and constructive way to boost our strengths and manage our weaknesses. On this fun and interesting episode of the TalentGrow Show, Laura shares some great examples and actionable advice for creating balance and increasing your effectiveness as a leader. Learn how to use polarity thinking to discover and overcome your greatest challenges, such as balancing the need to connect with your team and avoiding feeling burned out. Listen now and share with others who could benefit from this shift in thinking about leadership!

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