The most powerful question all facilitators must ask

Halelly Azulay TalentGrow ATD video on the most powerful question all facilitators must ask

My professional association for my craft, talent development, is ATD (the Association for Talent Development) -- it's the world's largest association in this industry and field. I've been an active member and volunteer leader for many years and it has enhanced my career tremendously. I am also one of their authors, bloggers, and master facilitators.

So when earlier this year, ATD invited me to be a guest expert and create a series of instructional videos where I share insider tips from my 25+ year career in talent development, I jumped in eagerly! I'm pleased to now share these with you here from time to time.

In this short video I explain the one powerful question all facilitators must ask.

Whether you're facilitating a meeting, a client presentation, or a training or learning session or workshop, you're trying to engage your audience to actively participate. To be a truly engaging facilitator, you want to ensure you invite your audience members to ask questions and actively participate.

But HOW you ask for their questions -- that's something I want to get you to think about today. It's not as straight forward as you think.

It's a small shift in phrasing that makes a huge difference in results.

Are you asking this question or is this something you could add to your bag of tricks for the future?

Watch the video - it's only about 2 minutes long -- to find out!

And don't forget to leave me a comment below about what you think, your results, or what questions YOU have about this idea (or anything else for that matter!). You know I want to start a conversation, right?!

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