Ep069: Why all leaders should be speakers and how to find your "secret sauce" topic with Alexia Vernon

Ep069: Why all leaders should be speakers and how to find your "secret sauce" topic with Alexia Vernon

Today’s episode of the TalentGrow Show features thought-leader, speaker, coach and trainer, Alexia Vernon, with a ton of fresh and valuable insights for you to take with you into the new year! Alexia has been on the show once before, but this time around she shares some great tips for discovering your “secret sauce” as a speaker. Find out why improving your speaking can benefit you even if you’re not a speaker by trade, discover the best questions you can ask yourself to improve your speaking, and the big mistake Alexia made (and you should definitely avoid) when she published her first book! Alexia also talks about being honest and vulnerable as a speaker, which is something that might seem simple but is actually really hard to do. Give this a listen and take your speaking to the next level!

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Ep10: Communicating as a thought leader through speaking and workshops with Alexia Vernon

Ep10: Communicating as a thought leader through speaking and workshops with Alexia Vernon

Do you want to enhance your communication skills? Would you like to be known as a thought-leader to accelerate your career and success? Communication and leadership expert Alexia Vernon and I talk about how she has found success doing just that, and how she teaches others to do the same. Learn how to become a better speaker, presenter, and communicator and how to be better as a leader by connecting with your audience and showing your true self in an impactful way. Be sure to check our Alexia's free video training and leave a comment about your insights and feedback.

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Ep 09: Leverage Your Character Strengths with Shannon Polly

Ep 09: Leverage Your Character Strengths with Shannon Polly

In this episode of the TalentGrow Show, I chat with Shannon Polly, MAPP, ACC, a leadership development consultant and an expert on executive presence and positive psychology. Our light and funny conversation will give you great insights about why character strengths are important and how to leverage them using Shannon’s new book, Character Strengths Matter. You’ll learn about how Shannon blends her acting background with her depth of research into happiness and well-being into her work with organizations like the army and corporations, and her unique ways of teaching people to leverage their strengths and become more productive and organizations more profitable. Shannon shares three great actionable suggestions that can immediately give you results in your performance and happiness, but also information about how you can keep challenging yourself and keep learning from her and others to continue that improvement and keep those great results coming.

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