Diamonds in your back yard: How to get really rich (Hint: it’s a metaphor)

Diamonds in your back yard: How to get really rich (Hint: it’s a metaphor)

Are there diamonds in your back yard that you're not paying any attention to? This short story of a thoughtful gift I received and the meaningful fable behind it will help you focus on the gifts you already have and should be leveraging to become truly rich.

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The best question to boost your courage in the face of fear

The best question to boost your courage in the face of fear

In her book Lean In and the movement that it launched, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg challenges women to answer this question: “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”. I think this is a positive message that helps bring self-awareness to limiting beliefs and barriers to courage. And she does implore women to “then go do it.” And I want to build on it and extend it.

For one, I do not wish to only address women. I want to address men also. Because fear holds a lot of people back.

In my work as a leadership development strategist, speaker, and facilitator, I meet a lot of people. And unfortunately, way too many of them are playing too small, too safe. I see a lack of courage – not Courage with a capital C like the kind that makes you run into a burning building and saving babies and puppies. No. Small-c courage that lets you see your fears, face them square on, and take action toward your big, scary goals IN SPITE of that fear.

So I want to build on that question and make it more actionable. I want to "yes, and" it.

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The 3 Secrets of Motivating and Inspiring Others

The 3 Secrets of Motivating and Inspiring Others

Motivating others - that's a tough one, right? In this post, I share the three secrets to motivating and inspiring others. Hint: none of these secrets involve spending more money! Here are some of the key findings from scientific research about what is highly motivating to most of today's knowledge workers and how to apply these insights to your daily leadership efforts.

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Inspiration at Work Radio Interview

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May 6-9, 2012, I attended the ASTD International Conference and Exposition in beautiful Denver, Colorado to learn about the latest and greatest in the training and development field as well as to be one of the speakers and authors they featured. It was a pleasure to soak in ideas and meet amazing people (there were over 9,000 professionals from over 70 countries there with me). I came away inspired and energized. (Here's a great collection of the conference's backchannel and resources, curated by learning professional David Kelly.)

While there, I met up with colleagues Larry Mohl and Terry Barber, of Performance Inspired, who were operating an on-site BlogTalk Radio station. I was invited to record a short interview with Larry Mohl to talk about inspiration at work. Have a listen: 

Listen to

internet radio


Inspiration At Work

on Blog Talk Radio

I'd love to know your answer to one of the questions Larry asked me:

What drives you - what inspires you?


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